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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
September 17th, 2019 4:58:48pm
4,333 Posts


I want to discuss a few things from the survey with everyone, and first on that list is color genetics. On the survey, the majority of players said they would be interested in genetics, so I think it's worth talking about.

This would be a massive undertaking and there are several complications with it, but I have designed a genetics system for another game in the past and I still have the notes, so we wouldn't be starting from scratch. So let's talk about all of this below:

First of all, just as a general overview, it would specifically be realistic color genetics for horses and dogs. Basically, the spot on horse and dog pages where it says "Color:" would be filled in automatically. We would not be focusing the gameplay on it, or making it a necessary part of the game. It would be an optional feature for people who want to participate.

There are two ways we could do this - either we could let players pick what color they wanted when they bought a horse/dog in the store out of the colors for that breed, or we could assign it randomly based on the breed (this is the more likely option). Then, when you bred your horses and dogs, the foals and pups would have realistic colors based on their parents' colors.


Would this complicate game play?

Only if you wanted it to. Because HP is meant to be an old school and simple game, we would have to make it a completely optional feature. So basically, you can play with it if you want, or you could choose to ignore it entirely. We would also release guides on understanding genetics for those who want to, but again, it would not be something you had to understand in order to play or even pay attention to.

What if I don't know anything about genetics?

We would release guides if you wanted to understand them, but you could also choose to ignore the feature completely if you don't.

Would this make it harder to play for mobile users?


Would this slow the game down?

It shouldn't. It might take a second longer to breed or buy a horse/dog, but other than that, there's not going to be anything fancy running behind the scenes.

How would this affect graphics?

It won't because nothing about our graphics system would change. We wouldn't be providing an image generator or forcing players to use our images, everything would be the same as it is now in that regard. Players could use our silhouetted defaults, or make their own images. Same as now.

What if I don't like the color I get?

I think that's part of the fun if you want to play with the genetics compoenent, but potentially we could have a color change item in the cash shop. Although that would detract from the realism.


There are a few complications:

Complication #1: I don't know how we would apply this to horses and dogs who already exist on the game. I can't think of a way to give pedigrees realistic color genetics for past pedigrees. Players could go and pick for each animal if they wanted to, and we could force them to choose before doing a breeding or retirement breeding, but potentially there will be some unrealistic color combinations in old lines if people set older horses manually. But again, people could choose not to do that for their old lines if they didn't want to.

Complication #2: It would only be partially realistic because not all of the breeds we have are mapped geneitcally (and some are made up completely) so we would have to make some assumptions about certain breeds. We have A LOT of breeds, this would take a long time to implement, and again, it wouldn't be a perfect system. It's something that would need to be perfected as we went.


But the positive would be that it would add another layer of gameplay for those who wanted to participate, and at this point in time a lot of newer games include them, so it would make HP's features a little more modern. BUT the point of HP is for it to be a nostalgic game, so I think there's a delicate balance in keeping it simple, and providing optional features to keep things interesting.


So, with all of that being said, I have some questions for you:

For those of you who said yes to genetics: What do you envision the "point" being? What is your goal with genetics? In what ways would you want or expect it to influence gameplay?

For those of you who don't want genetics: What are some of your concerns? What makes you not want genetics on the game? What are some things you don't want to change that you think genetics would affect?


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
September 19th, 2019 9:47:32am
4,681 Posts

I don't really have a horse in the race (hehe puns) but popping in to say the "paint" markings in some TBs (as famously seen in the Japanese racehorse Buchiko) that Maha mentioned are caused by dominant white (aka "W14"). These mutations occur in a variety of breeds and run in families.




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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
September 19th, 2019 11:27:20pm
2,907 Posts

I personally would not use this feature. Genetics confuse me and I have no interest in learning lol. Sorry. 


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 20th, 2019 10:52:38am
3,988 Posts

I'm indifferent to this. It doesn't matter to me either way. 

I assisted in a few breeds research for the Prism account! That was pretty neat. First time I ever really looked into genetics and colorings. 

I think it would be interesting because it could bring about new challenges and new achievement awards, but I also think having it be optional is a good thing too that way if there are players that aren't as interested/don't want to get that involved are able to still just simply go about training as usual. 

I hope that makes sense. 



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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
September 20th, 2019 11:46:01am
1,706 Posts

Im with Binny on this I have tried this on other games and didnt care for it, it became like a job not fun so as long as I dont have to use it whatever you guys decide is ok with me, 


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
September 20th, 2019 1:43:58pm
2,469 Posts

Also a thought. Having it implemented for everyone so you can still accidentally get achievements if something epic happens. 

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
September 20th, 2019 2:19:51pm
3,615 Posts

Just color genetics doesn't stress me out. It's the health and conformation genetics with color genetics on some other games that get tiresome and feel like you can't every get what you're aiming for.

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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sihtric ♡ working on coming back {Nad watching}
September 21st, 2019 11:18:27pm
322 Posts

I would love for it to be added in! 


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Tifisati -
September 22nd, 2019 4:44:30am
510 Posts

I'd be on board with this as colour genetics fascinate me and it's been some tiem since I delved in to them


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A U D A C I A ❄
September 22nd, 2019 12:10:44pm
66 Posts

I really like the idea of (completely optional) color genetics just for the fun of added achievements, and like Mango said it's another element to breed for aside from points. I really don't see a lot of negative aspects as long as it remains optional - it shouldn't really affect other aspects of gameplay at all. As long as there's not something else we're pushing for that we think the money could be used for, I'd love for this to be implemented!


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
September 22nd, 2019 12:57:24pm
27,686 Posts

One thing I'm wondering, is do we think adding genetics will help earn the game/Sam more money? Because coding it in would take a lot of time/money. Do you think more players would come (for a completely optional, text-only no images -- at least that's what it seems like people want from the comments) and play? Or would you have more accounts because of it?

Not trying to argue against it, because I really don't care as long as it's optional. Just honestly wondering if it would be worth putting in. "Just because it's kind of cool" might not be a good enough reason, at least until HP is rich and famous. :



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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
September 22nd, 2019 6:59:53pm
1,856 Posts

Im gonna go with the No's on this one.

Honestly theres no point to it.



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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
September 22nd, 2019 8:14:56pm
4,387 Posts

i'd be ok with adding genetics. i don't completely understand them, but def not opposed to them either. 

i love mago's post regarding this! another thing to breed for would be a little more fun. especially when you (like me) don't know a thing about equine genetics lol.

unpopular opinion???? :: i kinda like the idea of the colors effecting the horses health/preformance? it'd make the game a bit more challenging, and would in turn make people more careful when breeding/buying their horses/choosing their coat colors? (idk about dogs tho.) with that being said, idk how this would go for those who chose not to use this feature? how buying a back up from those who use this feature would effect those who wouldn't use this feature?

as for graphics, i don't think that just because your horse/dog is listed as "bay" or "tan and white" have that much of an effect on their pictures. people on hl would have different colors horses for their picture all the time? i don't believe by simply adding in the animals color would change that in any way. i however would vote no for having "defulat avatars" like hl did. (the ones you could ride around in their hl world). i think the defaults we have now would work just fine, and lets not forget we do have an image bank!



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Apnea | 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓼
March 28th, 2020 8:12:42pm
5 Posts

New player reading through some older stuff. From  my perspective - I was always looking for a HL type of game that wasn't wildly complicated. I liked logging in mainly and watching my points pile up. Finally after gawd knows how long I found this place and it's awesome! 

Saying that - I feel that color genetics just add another bonus to breeding. Oh cool! All my hard work got me a high pointed foal AND it's a pretty sweet colour. Awesome. Lucky. Whatever. 

Not sure if this is still in the works or if I'm bumping a dead old thread and the idea was already zapped but I definitely think it would be a cool feature that doesn't negatively affect anyone if they simply want to ignore it. 

Also - from other games - people definitely spend money on the 'coat change' items and being a business at the end of the day, always another way for revenue. 


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