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eating too fast

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s h i k a r i // pugs // pixie ❤️
July 3rd, 2019 9:52:15pm
116 Posts

I have a pug called Pixie and she's 9 this year. Pugs are known for eating like slobs and loving food but I find Pixie is getting worse as she gets older. We've often had encounters where she's swallowed food and ended up collapsing and on the verge of dying from not being able to breathe and I've had to knock it out of place. It's very frightening. But now I find even with snacks she just wont chew anything she'll literally just try and swallow it whole so now I have to be careful with what I buy her or I have to break it up into pieces I know she can swallow whole and not choke from. Even with kibble she just hoovers it down and might end up vomiting it back up because a) she's eaten too fast and b) she's swallowing things whole. I don't know what to do. You can get pug designed food and even that I find that she hoovers down. I've tried the bowls with the little thingies in to stop dogs eating fast but then she can't get to the kibble. Anyone have any suggestions? I just don't get why she can't chew lol. She loves the hard rind type treats but I had to stop giving them to her because when she chews them tot he point that they're soft she'll try and swallow the rest and choke. Do you think I should add water to her food? 


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amberellie - idk what day it is
July 3rd, 2019 10:30:29pm
747 Posts

I was going to say the slow feeders with the thing in the middle, but have you tried sticking like a tennis ball in the middle so she can move it around when she eats?  I had a beagle like that, and I think we did try the tennis ball in the bowl and it helped some!


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
July 4th, 2019 4:15:05pm
8,756 Posts

I was going to mention the slow feeder bowls too, but that's as far as I know for that type of issue.
So, I'm just going to *bump* this in hopes others have more ideas for you!

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noxhidis | foxes
July 4th, 2019 4:54:04pm
74 Posts

Have you tried scattering food on the floor rather than using a bowl? Sometimes it works as well as or better than a slow feeder.


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sihtric ♡ working on coming back {Nad watching}
July 4th, 2019 6:00:49pm
322 Posts

Maybe a slow feeder bowl but also give her food at different times during the day? 


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
July 4th, 2019 7:48:54pm
1,706 Posts

check with your vet 1st of all, then maybe add some water I have a cat that eats to fast at times and then vomets it back up, good luck hope it all works out for your baby


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s h i k a r i // pugs // pixie ❤️
July 9th, 2019 12:36:00pm
116 Posts

Thanks guys.. sorry for the delayed response. I have a vet appointment on Friday because she has a lump on her neck that's just not going away. So i'll ask what I can do about food. For now i'm putting her food on the floor or adding water in the bowl! 


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
July 27th, 2019 12:52:02pm
1,200 Posts

I used the Kong for 1 of my dogs back then and it worked great because they really have to work for the food!

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