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Big Updates: Price Changes and New Perks

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 13th, 2019 12:02:56am
4,333 Posts


Hey HP!


We've got some big news to share this evening!



Over the last 10 years, a lot of things have changed on HP. As the demands of the game grow, and the cost of living goes up, the cost of running and maintaining HP has gone up considerably from when we opened in 2009.


In addition, the list of things that need to be done in order to make sure that HP can stay up-to-date and relevant for the NEXT 10 years continues to grow (and grow and grow). This includes things that I talked about in the 2019 HP State of the Union like updating all of the pages on the game and adding new art, as well as fixing up parts of the game that are becoming outdated, keeping up with new features and necessary coding updates, finding ways to continue to grow our community, etc.


Basically, what I'm saying is that HP's financial and practical demands have begun to exceed our resources. Therefore, I have come to the decision to increase HP's upgrade prices to help offset this. (Although, not without adding new upgrade perks! Which I will talk about a little later on.)


The new prices are $6 for 1 month, $17.50 for 6 months, and $35 for 1 year.


I am hoping that this will be a relatively small change for all of you, but it will help me and the game as a whole immensely. In addition, an upgrade on HP is still a great deal - even with the price increase it's still cheaper than most other SIM games, and you can get an entire year's worth of upgrade time for less than one console game or a night at the movies!


I understand that this will come as a surprise to many of you, and might be unpopular for awhile, but I hope that everyone understands the reasoning behind this change and can see the future benefits that it will have for the game. I do my best to be honest about what's happening behind the scenes and tell you all the why's behind my decisions, so that's what I am trying to do here.


First and foremost, it will allow me to have a significantly higher budget to hire help and pay the wonderful game admins to do more of my everyday tasks so that I am able to focus on the aforementioned ever-growing list of things that need to be addressed. I am only one person and I am realizing that I cannot do everything that needs to be done by myself. Currently I am struggling to fully keep up with the basics (like responding to messages, managing staff and the community, and running our regular events), let alone any of the other stuff that needs to be done. And as many of you know, I've been working on my own programming skills recently (and it's paid off - which you will see for yourselves in the next section of this update!), but I can't both do my entire job and continue to improve my skills and eventually do the job of a programmer at the same time, it's just not possible.


Secondly, it will mean a bigger programming budget in the meantime, so that we can continue to bring new features in and pay for updates where they're needed. Since HP opened, the going rate for programming has quadrupled, which as I'm sure you can imagine has been cutting into our ability to bring frequent updates. We've already done some updates this year, and we have more coming soon (like moderator function updates and a new player tutorial, as well as other smaller updates around the site).


Finally, it will allow me to continue to have a stable income as the cost of living goes up, so that HP can continue to be my full-time job and I can continue to meet the needs of all of you.



But, of course this isn't coming without immediate perks for all of you! To offset the cost, we have added (or increased) some upgrade perks!


  • You will now get 75 horse tickets and 75 dog tickets each month with your upgrade instead of 50. Double tickets in the cash shop will give you 150 total of each.

  • Upgrades can now create two public horse and two public dog shows per week, which will provide more income for you and also help the entire game by making shows less flooded which means more points will be awarded in shows. Double Public Shows is no longer double, it gives you 1 more show per week - so upgrades will have a total of 3 if they buy it, and basics will have a total of 2 if they buy it. Private shows and Double Private Shows remain unchanged.

  • Bank interest has increased for everyone - to .04% for upgraded players and to .02% for basic players.

  • Instantly get HPB when you upgrade, you'll now get 1 HPB with a 1 month upgrade, 6 HPB with a 6 month upgrade, and 12 HPB with a 1 year upgrade.

  • We have added customizable stylesheets to animal pages for upgraded players! They will accept any CSS, but not HTML. You can customize them at the bottom of your animal's pages and will also find a box to put credits in (HTML won't work here either, so you'll have to put in the full written-out URL for patterns).


    Also, semi-unrelated changes are:

  • We have increased some prices in the regular store for training tickets and extra 10 energy. At some point we must have had a sale on the extra 10 energy and I forgot to ever change it back to 10 mill - oops! So it has now been changed back.

  • Birthday HPB is now Birthday HPD! On your birthday you'll be able to collect 15 mill HPD!



    We hope you love the new perks and changes, and we hope you understand why it was time for an upgrade price increase.


    We're working on even more updates and changes around the site over the next couple of months, so hopefully we will have things to show you soon!


    As always, if you have any questions, you know where to find me ;).


    Happy Wednesday night, HP!




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    ↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
    June 14th, 2019 8:23:32am
    3,850 Posts

    @MANGO - The HPB are rewarded to the account being upgraded, whether that is by PayPal with their own RL money or through buying an upgrade in an auction. The person who upgrades another person's account will still only receive the HPD from the auction itself. I hope that clears it up!



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    Absinthe .:.Main.:.
    June 14th, 2019 4:23:20pm
    552 Posts

    I have zero idea how to code for the CSS on animal pages so I'll either be paying someone to do it for me or I'll have someone teach me. Or both lol. But I'm loving these changes and that price increase is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. 


    Breeding Quality Horses & Dogs Since March 2011

    You can find me on accounts #1313, #19779, #19736, #20416, #20408, #20309, #15766, #19133, #20415, #22043, #44154, & #23006


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    Olympea » No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it
    June 14th, 2019 6:20:34pm
    71 Posts

    I'm still fairly new here but these changes all seem pretty positive to me! :) 



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    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    June 14th, 2019 7:25:21pm
    4,333 Posts

    I'm so happy that everyone is happy about these! :).


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    Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
    June 15th, 2019 10:00:54pm
    4,393 Posts

    chao! you did amazing with the animal pages!

    def let me know when you offer them, i'd loooveee to buy them for my horses c,:



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    shee ‡ the lavish lhasas
    June 16th, 2019 9:33:18pm
    173 Posts

    I am loving these new updates! I especially love the addition of HPB whenever you buy an upgrade.

    Thank you for all your hard work Sam!


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    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    June 17th, 2019 4:22:54pm
    4,333 Posts


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    R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔
    June 17th, 2019 7:49:22pm
    428 Posts

    Anyone have an example of what an animal page with a stylesheet looks like?


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    Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
    June 17th, 2019 10:42:03pm
    30,152 Posts

    Mango has already done some fantabulous work with stylesheets on her horses - Example: 



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    R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔
    June 17th, 2019 10:50:58pm
    428 Posts

    Awesome thanks so much!


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