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Easter Egg Hunt Answers

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
April 22nd, 2019 5:29:05pm
4,333 Posts

Here are all of the answers for the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt! I am going to work on handing out prizes, but please be patient as it may take awhile :).


1. Site News:

1. Congrats! You found the first egg. But I kind of gave it to you, didn't I? To find the next egg you'll need to see Captain Jack Sparrow's trainer.


2. Account #4030:

2. The next egg should be easy to find, it lives with the person who owns an OTTB named Pilot.


3. Account #1:

3. Want to find the next one? If you need help posting a picture in forums, you might need to check out this page.


4. Coding Help:

Alright, maybe you're okay at this hunt thing! But you've still got 65 eggs to find, so let's get a move on! Find out who's online and you'll find the next egg.


5. Online List:

5. The next egg still calls this player by her old aquatic name.


6. Account #22032:

6. If you wanted to figure out what TV1 means, you'll need to check this page.


7. Other Info:

7. The next egg lives with someone who's been here almost as long as we've all existed.


8. Account #2049:

8. If you want to find egg #9 you better find out who was a club president in February!


9. Site News Page 5/February Club Presidents Update:

9. This dog might not be the oldest, but he's been here the longest and that's where the next egg is hiding!


10. Dog #9:

10. Emme and Ale have tried to knock Egg 11 over several times. Better hurry before it breaks!


11. Account #22700:

11. We're pretty sure someone named Dylan decorated egg #12.


12. Account #18070:

12. If you want to find out HP's plans for the next year, you'll need to check out this big announcement.


13. 2019 State of the Union Address Forum Thread:

13. The next egg went on a cruise! You might be able to find it just in time though.


14. Account #13599:

14. If you need to find a horse or dog that you lost, this should be your first stop.


15. Account #666/Humane Alliance:

15. If you want to find a thread you replied to in 2014, this page might be able to help you.


16. Forum Search:

16. The next egg is hanging out down under with one of HP's mods and probably some drop bears.


17. Account #818:

17. Do you need to buy an image of a bay appaloosa even though they don't actually come in that color, but you need it to have bright green words and also be running on the moon? Well, you probably won't find it here, but you should try anyway.


18. Graphic Auctions/"A Bay Appaloosa":

18. The next egg went on a Texas beach vacation. I bet you might find it with Pasha.


19. Account #1865:

19. If you're not sure what the heck a training ticket is, you might need to find the next egg and see what it has to say.


20. Upgrade Help:

20. If you can't remember when the Easter Egg Hunt ends, the next egg can help you.


21. Calendar:

21. Did you just earn, like, a million achievements for your newest project? You can turn them into GOLD AND RICHES (or, you know, animal points) here.


22. HPP Trade In:

22. The next egg is really busy running a dog boarding facility, but I bet if you get there on time you can find it!


23. Account #333:

23. The next egg is DYING to tell you what it ate today on this popular sequel of an old thread.


24. What Did You Have For Breakfast Today? Forum Thread:

24. You'll find the next egg with a baby mod!


25. Account #113:

25. If you wanted to break out your metaphorical bingo dauber (or maybe your actual bingo dauber, I don't know your life), I would go here.


26. The Bingo Hall:

26. Is swearing now okay on HP?! You better double check.


27. Rules:

27. The next one can be found with the player who has an avocado emoji in her name.


28. Account #23087:

28. The next egg is with the highest pointed crossbreed horse on the game!


29. Horse #315913:

29. Another baby mod?! The eggs must like them!


30. Account #10598:

30. If you can't remember the random sequence of numbers and letters you typed in thinking you'd never forget them, then the next egg can help you.


31. Lost Password/Login Page:

31. This egg would LOVE to tell you how HP keeps your information safe.


32. Privacy Policy:

32. Did you collect your allowance yet this week? You better hope so or the next egg might be robbing you!


33. Bank:

33. If you wanted to find out what perks come with an upgrade, this egg could tell you.


34. Upgrade FAQ:

34. The next egg is hanging out with the mean girl everyone loves to hate.


35. Dog #105641:

35. The next egg will make you feel famous.


36. Hollywood:

36. The next egg is hanging out with the mother of HP's highest achieving horse ever.


37. Horse #285240:

37. If you're new, you'll need to find Egg 38.


38. Getting Started Guide:

38. Woah! Over half way there and we didn't even notice. Well, the next egg would love to show you some HP nostalgia.


39. Art Gallery:

39. You'll find the next egg with the mate of HP's 5th highest pointed dog.


40. Dog #71430:

40. Egg #41 wants to tell you some Saddlebred trivia.


41. Breed Info/American Saddlebred:

41. Maybe you're not as bad at this egg hunting thing as I originally suspected. Well, good for you! But can you figure out what breed the next egg represents?


42. Breed Embassies:

42. Wow! I bet finding Egg #42 feels like an accomplishment! But what if I told you there are still 27 eggs left to find? You can find the next one in the club with a blue-eyed cat in it's layout. Maybe a Siamese or a Ragdoll. I don't know. What do I look like? A cat expert?


43. Pet Phenomena:

43. If you enjoy an overwhelming amount of counting backwards, the next egg will show you a good time.


44. Countdown From 500k Forum Thread:

44. I bet you didn't even read this page when you agreed to it. So maybe now is a good time to brush up while you search for egg number 45.


45. Terms of Service:

45. The next egg is BEGGING you to age it backwards.


46. Cash Shop:

46. If you wanted to earn some extra HPD, you might check out this page.


47. Earn HPD:

47. Have you tried getting buried under a landslide of bricks yet? Maybe you should try getting buried under a landslide of bricks. You might find yourself, or you might find the egg.


48. Games/Tetrimino:

48. I am not trying to tell you how to live your life, but you should really set a forum avatar. It is time. Just trust me.


49. Edit Profile:

49. I need to know how many players there are named Samantha on the game and I need to know now. If I tell the next egg, it'll help me look. Or not. Because it's an egg and eggs can't talk.


50. Player Search:

50. Do you need to send 5000 of your closest friends a message? No? You don't? Are you sure? Because the next egg is already typing one up. Something about "sending this letter to 10 people and in return you'll get 1,000,000 dollars from each of the 10 people they send it to". You better go stop it before you become the official organizer of a pyramid scheme!


51. Compose Message:

51. The next egg lives in Finland!


52. Account #28295:

52. If you're really curious about Catahoulas you should read the page where the next egg is.


53. Breed Info/Catahoula Leopard Dog:

53. If you thought to yourself at the start of this, "I can't even imagine 53 places to hide an egg!" just know that we thought the same thing, and yet, here we are. Do you need to register a unicorn?


54. Mythical Horses Club:

54. Alright, I'm just going to GIVE you the next one. It's on Horse #3. Oh wait, no it's not. HAHAHAHA. But it is with a horse that has exactly 4000 points. Or is it?


55. Horse #4:

55. Send us some snail mail!


56. Contact:

56. I think this hunt is basically trolling you at this point, isn't it? But now that you've made it this far you can't stop! The next egg is with 2018's canine mascot runner-up.


57. Dog #105617:



58. Wild Dog Club:

58. The next egg is hanging with a chat room staple! You can try to knock her off the rankings, but we're not sure it's even possible.


59. Account #16916:

59. We think the former mod who is hosting the next egg has played HP longer than HP has existed. Is that even possible?


60. Account #724:

60. Did you make all of your basic accounts? If not, the next egg has a sign up bonus for you. (Actually though, it doesn't, we just feel obligated to specify - unless the bonus is making your weekly shows on all 5 basics, helping the game with show flooding, and getting that sweet, sweet public show money.)


61. Join Page:

61. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't run out of places to hide eggs yet. I bet you are too! But you're almost there! The next egg can sign you up for the newsletter or show you a mini version of the event calendar. You can even see a list of those accounts you just signed up for! RIGHT?!


62. Mini News/Site News Page:

62. Alright, so you made some new accounts? Now what? Well, I would say you need to go make your shows.


63. Create Shows:

63. You thought I was going to have a pun about making your shows, didn't you? Well, I don't, but now you need to decorate your page, so I would try here.


64. Layout Generator:

64. The next egg has 1631718073 player points.


65. Account #6084:

65. If you want to read about the rich lives of your friendly game admins and mods, you can find stories about the intricate tapestries of their lives and find the next egg at the same time!


66: Credits and Staff:

66. If you wanted to find out more information about the breed that player #15 is a breed ambassador for, you might look where the next egg is hiding. And no, I know what you're thinking, it's not on Adeina's page, so don't bother checking there.


67. Breed Info/Pembroke Welsh Corgi:

67. YAY! I didn't think you would find this one. It was getting lonely. The next egg is hanging with a memorial horse who won the 2016 mascot contest!


68. Horse #263364:

68. Find the account that exists to help newbies.


69. Account #40689

69. WHAT?! YOU DID IT! Throw a "I found the last egg" party! Go collect that sweet ass prize you magical unicorn!


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
April 22nd, 2019 9:36:41pm
1,797 Posts

 The eggs are all so great this year! So bummed I didn't manage to get online to participate, but thank you for incorporating me! I was there in spirit.



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
April 22nd, 2019 10:26:52pm
3,849 Posts

I love that you put my Ouija egg on account #666. xD That was perfect. LOL



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tana ;; gone
April 23rd, 2019 10:42:01am
13,574 Posts

I love how one of my eggs was with the new swearing rules xD

The other pointed us to Ephe! *high fives ephe*



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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
April 23rd, 2019 11:35:16am
1,200 Posts

The eggs are awesomely ( is that even a word?) placed this year!

Lol my bunnies at Pet phenomena!
The horse one at saddlebred and
Getting started with 2 horses getting to know eachother and my other horse ( Kayleen) At player search.

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