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Typo in the help section

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aveera ๐Ÿฅ‘ coding is open
February 21st, 2019 5:05:49pm
267 Posts

Not really a bug but I thought it was worth mentioning. This is from the achievement section of the "other info" page. I think that it should say "Animals receive 2500 points..." unless I am more aweful at math then I think I am.


Born With Points - 50k points, 100k points, 200k points, 500k, 1 mill, 1.5 mill, 2 mill

Animals receive 1500 points for each successive born points milestone. So, if your animal is born with 200k points, you will get 7500 points. Please note that you will only get the born points award that is closest to your animal. So if an animal born with 1,600,005 points, you will only get the Born with 1.5 mill Points award.


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Jaya โ€ข If you wanna survive, burn bright
February 21st, 2019 7:07:16pm
27,675 Posts

The help page needs a lot of help, honestly.ย 

A lot of the screenshots are kind of outdated - pages have changed (like collecting your bank account money), so it doesn't look like the screenshot anymore.

It still talks about referral points?

or for the setting your beed specialty screenshot, maybe take it from a normal player's account so you don't see links to an admin panelย  and a mod panel?



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