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Inflation? Really?

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Chippewa Downs || I’m Baaaaaaack || RIP HP Moosetress
October 10th, 2013 11:31:47pm
81 Posts
So one thing that's been seriously bothering me, and other players, here is the economy.
500k per ticket is a ripoff. That's 500k for ONE ticket.
That's less than it takes to enter a show, which max at 2k, I think, AND you get more points than that.
I know people say they don't use tickets unless they're doing a project or something, but I don't like these statements. If this were the case, why is it that people still continue to sell their htix for ridiculous prices?

I spend more on tickets than I do anything else, other than private shows. Is it unnecessary? Sometimes, but I think it helps when I have a project going, or to get a horse further ahead than just using shows.
I currently have a project going and I want to see the breed become more popular. That's my reason for doing it. I want an awesome lined foal that someone would be proud to train and I want more people to be interested in Percherons and Drafts. (I breed Shires with Sin, and do Clydes as well)
(I'm sure I'll sell backups or raffle em or something) Ok, I know I shouldn't complain, I have awesome horse lines and awesome pointed horses so far, but I PAID for them and I paid a lot. Im ALWAYS on the lookout for tickets and I always sell upgrades. 2 things that have the most messed up prices EVER. Im always willing to negotiate and I always do what I think is fair or what people can afford.

If anyone has comments or suggestions or ideas or something, like a coalition of players that agree to sell their htix for as much as their htix (as I can name as many dog projects as horse projects, if not more) I'd say this is a problem that needs to be solved.

Thanks. -Didn't mean to rant. Sorry.



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Famous Shamus }} from blood and ash, we will rise
October 11th, 2013 12:00:01am
276 Posts
I agree--ticket prices are insane. But I sell mine at $500k because upgrade prices are high--so it's really the only way to get enough money to get upgrades.



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October 11th, 2013 12:19:56am
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I agree - When I upgrade I plan on selling horse tickets in the 300's. Graphics will hopefully supplement the extra needed to upgrade again.


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Fantasy Texas Heelers - Mascot Entry
October 11th, 2013 12:56:17am
28 Posts
In order to buy nice graphics: some sell 50mill or higher. Example there are two in the auction right now that are 100mill and the starting bid on one is 75Mill. Only way i can afford that is to sell upgrades for almost 400mill. and sell alot of them at that price. I don't sell my tickets. i keep them so to boost my own horses. Mods are aware of the inflation. and their trying to keep under control - hense the selling of various thins in the sell account which start at 200mill. In closing: yes i agree inflation is a problem.


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Audacious & Blitz [Andalusians]
October 11th, 2013 1:42:16am
558 Posts
Could be worse...we could be on OLD hl where horse tickets sold well over 1 million a piece...all about supply and demand...horse ticket demand is high right now so tickets are high - same with upgrades in auctions. Dog tickets/shows on the other hand are in low demand so sell for a lot less (though binny's project MAY cause some inflation there). Things have been dropping a bit in prices...I used to at one point sell my horse tickets for over 600k a ticket. I think as sam does stuff to take money out of the system and as time passes things will drop and level out.


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 11th, 2013 1:43:50am
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Unfortunately, you're correct, the HP economy is insanely inflated. We've been doing everything we can as a staff to take money OUT of the economy to bring inflation down, but it's a long battle. Really, unless everyone (specifically upgrades) agree to give up their bank salaries for awhile, there's no way to quickly bring down inflation since millions (possibly even billions) flood into the economy every month from weekly bank salaries.We've been looking at other options (taxes maybe or selling de-ages and such in the store since our sales do really well), but it's not a quick fix, unfortunately.


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shaenne •
October 11th, 2013 1:47:26am
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HP is a growing game, which will hopefully continue to grow for years to come. As the player population grows, so will the prices of everything. I remember buying dog tickets in 2009 when the game had only been up for a few months and $20k was an outrageous amount to ask per ticket.Although it may seem high, ticket and show prices have are probably at their most stable point right now. They've been around the $300k-$450k (dog) and $400k - $500k (horse) mark for ages now, and I can't even remember the last time I adjusted my show prices to suit the new going rate.The thing we all have to remember is that getting prices to drop isn't as black and white as it might seem. It's easy to say "stop selling your tickets for so much", but a) while people are willing to pay that much, the prices will reflect and b) money from tickets is the only source of income for a lot of people, so they're going to sell them for however much buyers will pay. That, and to be blunt, people are greedy. That's not a personal attack on anyone at all, it's just human nature. We'd prefer to get as much as we can if we can help it, especially if we've got stuff to pay/save for. With that said, there ARE a lot of generous people out there who give their tickets away or sell them really cheap, and they sure as heck don't go unnoticed or unappreciated, but we can't expect everyone to do the same.As long as tickets and shows are available to buy, people will compete to get them which is going to result in rising prices. There's really nothing anyone can do about it, except what the staff are currently doing to get as much money out of the economy as possible without taking anything from anyone like HL did with the hld/coins conversion. It's doing really well so far and I think it has contributed a lot to prices being so stable.


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
October 11th, 2013 3:14:45am
815 Posts
I for one would have no problem having bank salary taken away, maybe once a month have a "no salary" week. I dont know how many people are dependant on that salary though. I do agree ticket prices are kinda crazy, its good that ive seen more 400K tickets lately


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October 11th, 2013 3:35:26am
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I dunno, I don't really see it as that much of an issue? As one price goes up, so does everything else... For months now, horse tickets have been around 450k and dog tix around 350k.. I once sold horse tix for 625k. Upgrades were all the way up to 400 mil and have since dropped down and stayed at 350 mil.It would be one thing if only tickets were skyrocketing in price, but everything is increasing at a similar rate... as more people make accounts, more and more money floods into the economy and drives prices higher because there is more money out there.. I've never had a problem keeping my upgrades upgraded and buying tickets when I'm doing a project... As per the other point you made, there really isn't a point to using tickets unless you're doing a project... they really don't add very many points. The only reason to use them in a project is because it's the only other way to gain points. We only get up to a maximum of 90 shows.. even with all privates, no one would be able to get beyond 5 or 6 million points.. all the rest is tickets. If you're only planning to train to 1 million or even a 'small project' to 2 or 3 million, there is no need to use tickets since you can get that just with shows. The reason people keep selling at higher prices and the reason people keep paying that is because they want as many tickets as they can get their hands on to get as many points as possible.. and usually there are multiple projects going on, which increases competition for the tickets, as there are only so many available.So yes, I agree the prices are high, but they still increasing at the same rate as everything else, so it really doesn't impact all that much.. and I definitely have seen a stop in the increase in prices, as like I said, all the prices seem to have stabilized.If anything, I'm more concerned with the fact that it's impossible to sell show spots anymore. No one is buying. I used to be able to sell an entire show to someone for 14 mil.. now I can't even get people to buy one spot for 1 mil. And same goes for dog shows.


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Trixie's Zombie Paints
October 11th, 2013 5:40:56am
82 Posts
I agree that prices are crazy. I took an hp break and when I came back my first thought was that I would never be able to afford anything! On the other hand though, I agree that inflation isn't an easy problem to fix but I for one would not be opposed to taking away the weekly bank and such.


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Chippewa Downs || I’m Baaaaaaack || RIP HP Moosetress
October 11th, 2013 10:18:19am
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Thank you. I know its a way most people have an income and I didn't mean to rant, it was just concerning me that I was spending 500k for 75 points. I just wanted some feedback as to what people thought and why it was so high. I love you're point Uni. Horse show spots are hard to sell. I wonder why this has changed :S



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 11th, 2013 12:17:02pm
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It seems to be that a couple of times a year either tickets or shows get hard to sell. My guess is that when the HMF Training contest starts up, that issue will go away.


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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
October 11th, 2013 3:12:04pm
1,042 Posts
Is there a way to set a max limit to how much tixs can be bought for? Like how there is a max to how much you can set a show for.



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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
October 11th, 2013 3:45:21pm
1,308 Posts
If you want to help even just a little bit, just STOP collecting your bank salary, guys. You keep talking about having a "no salary" week - but you can do that on your own by just not collecting it. :) And no, don't put a limit on the prices. That doesn't help the economy, and it won't stop what people actually sell them for. It'll just mean deals under the table that mods are expected to fix when people don't send over the correct extra amount of money. Ugh.


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Fantasy German Shepherds (Main) I felt so much, that I started to feel nothing.” — Unknown
October 12th, 2013 3:21:24am
276 Posts
I think the only way inflation would go down is if graphics were not so high. Paying 100/200/300mill for a graphic/layout is crazy. Don't get me wrong i myself have bought graphics this high but then i had to sell multiple upgrades just to afford to buy more of these graphics. I think if the price of graphics went down. The price of horse/dog tickets will go down. And if tickets and graphcis were not as high - upgrades will not be selling for 350Mill for a 6month and 100mill for a 1 month. Most of the newer players need the weekly allowance. Others who have billions from selling graphics/tickets/upgrades do not. Don't get me wrong graphic makers work hard to make beautiful graphics. and i understand they want to price the graphics to reflect that work of art. But there must be a another way to reflect that....


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 12th, 2013 12:50:15pm
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Fantasy, I wonder if that's part of the reason graphics haven't been selling? Because buyers feel they're priced too high.And for the weekly allowance, we wouldn't be able to take it away from new or basic players because it would crush them, it would have to be upgrades who can make their money other ways. But I can't imagine that happening since everyone would have to agree to it, since I would never want to do that without total consent of the players.


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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
October 12th, 2013 5:58:19pm
1,856 Posts
I remember when horse tickets were 50-60k!!!I for one usually stay lower priced on whatever I sell. Whether its upgrades,graphics, or tickets.No one will cut down their prices until theres no money left on the game(as in currency gets takin out).I am fortunate enough to be able to trade upgrades for the stuff I want/need. Thanks to my lufferly(you know who you are!).I still think i sell my upgrades for a fair amount under the going rate...and if need be(when i have the RLD funds) i will lower the prices again... I like the idea of selling de-ages and stuff, but what happens to those when the economy gets better...will those prices go down or will those options vanish?!



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 12th, 2013 6:53:14pm
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When the economy goes down, we will adjust prices accordingly.


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Fantasy Swedish Warmbloods
October 12th, 2013 7:54:45pm
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That could be Sam. I know i can't afford to buy graphics anymore. I only buy 1 really expensive graphic for each of my accounts and i just use it as default picture.I know alot of the newer players can't afford most of the graphics cuz their prizes at 20mill to start. that may not seem like much: but if you buy 5 at that price that is 100mill just for 5 graphics. I remember being able to buy graphics for 500k or 1mill.


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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
October 14th, 2013 2:14:59am
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I try to adjust my prices based on what I see in the ads. Hence why one account has horse tix for $450 and one horse tix for $500.Tickets are one of my major income producers, along with upgrades now and hopefully shows. I don't do graphics, I cannot cut at all or believe me, I would. So the only way I make money is tickets and upgrades basically.One day I hope to have a project animal based on Sable but right now have to save money. Ticket prices will adjust themselves, they always do.And I rarely buy graphics because all the ones I really like are outrageously priced for a customer or for breeds I don't do. Luckily I found a few graphic folks who are reasonable.



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Zadkiel »
October 14th, 2013 4:07:21am
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I have been absent from the game for close to a year. Prices of tickets and private shows have hardly changed in that time (excluding any spikes in the economy during that time). Although I will agree that the prices of graphics have skyrocketed. With a real economy what Sam is doing is exactly what the national bank would do. The only improvements that I can add is ceiling prices on tickets, but as someone else mentioned this could lead to under the table deals. And capping the prices you would only be able to cap then at 400K as the lowest otherwise you'll throw the entire economy out. Graphics and upgrades are auctions this means that the prices they reflect is supply and demand. If we all stopped buying pictures for outrageous prices, then price would drop. (I remember thinking 20mill was a crazy price).Another option for pulling money out of the economy was Sam mentioned is taxes, and therefore tax brackets ie. you only have 400k you'll be taxed 1% you have 1 billion that's charged at 5%. This would pull a large amount of money out of the economy. But as someone else mentioned people are greedy and most would be very upset about loosing money (the whole HL coins thing all over again)In short fixing an inflation problem like this is very difficult in the real world and in game. It will take some time, but Sam and the mods are all over it trying to make it better.


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