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Life changessss

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shaenne •
January 29th, 2019 3:53:25am
1,386 Posts

Sooo after 16 and a half years Danny and I are separated and likely going to divorce. Long story short he cheated on me with his ex, refused to cut contact with her, snuck around behind my back making new facebook profiles and messenger accounts to add her to so I wouldn't know (the moron used his real name so it automatically sent me a friend suggestion and when I looked at it low and behold the only friend on it was her), and changed the app settings to require a password to log in because he knew I would check. Along with all of this he always treated me like it was my own fault because of how I acted towards him (after 16 years it did start to get a bit stale and we had some pretty big issues but I didn't choose infidelity as a solution, he did)

SO with the new year I went along with the whole "new year new me" crap because it's literally going to be a new me. I have to find who I am as an individual because pretty much my entire adult life has been with danny. We got together when I was 16.

I'm moving again. My landlord's marriage also turned to crap so she is moving back here in March when my lease is up, so i'm gonna start fresh somewhere else. Probably Sydney somewhere. I'll find somewhere to agist my horses, i'll take my dog and my birds and i'll live a merry life on my own. Lawd knows I need it for a while lol.

One of the reasons I hadn't left before was my car. The finance and vehicle registration are in his name and he never let me transfer the registration to my name saying it would be better that way for various reasons but i'm not blind to the fact that he was just trying to trap me, knowing I can't go anywhere or do anything without a car, and if I tried to leave with it he'd probably report it stolen so I never attempted that.

But jokes on him because I gave her back and i'm buying my own. Which WAS hard because you all know how much I loved that car lol. She was my pretty pretty Baby. But I figured it was only a matter of time before he demanded the car back just to be a jerk even though I was sending him money for the repayments.
So I gave her back before he could screw me over and I found a BEAST at the PERFECT price. She's the same year, make and model as Baby but she's so much better. She's black, she's an automatic (I CAN drive manual but i'm lazy and prefer auto) and she's a V8, where as Baby was a V6 and the very lowest power range (most V6's of this vehicle have a 3.6L engine and my wee baby had a 3.0L engine.. She was pretty but she was a slug)

I had my mechanic check her over and aside from being a little rough inside (2009, it's forgivable and everything can be replaced fairly cheap plus I wanna make a few upgrades anyways) she's in fantastic condition. Runs beautifully (she sounds gorgeous LOL I love me a V8 grumble). I'm paying roughly half of what they are worth, purely because I know the guy selling her. She was his dads car and his dad passed away and he gets bummed out every time he looks at her but at the same time he wants her to go to someone he knows rather than a stranger.

So i'm just waiting for the cash to hit my bank and i'll be at his place ready to drive her away. I am very pleased with myself. I bought a car by myself and it's not a lemon and I didn't get screwed over. GO ME.

I'll have more photos once I get her home, cause i'll take her up to my usual car photo spot lol.

I am VERY happy right now.


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tana ;; gone
January 29th, 2019 7:42:32am
13,574 Posts

Ahhh Shae, I'm really happy you found this car and that you're starting fresh. You sound so excited about it! I wish you and your fur- and featherbabies all the best ♥



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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
January 29th, 2019 9:16:19am
1,200 Posts

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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 29th, 2019 1:06:32pm
29,792 Posts

Good luck your new you!! So glad you were able to find an awesome car! :)



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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
January 30th, 2019 2:31:56am
3,615 Posts


Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 30th, 2019 6:10:52pm
4,333 Posts

I'm sorry to hear about everything that's happened, but I'm happy for you that you're moving on and you found a car you love!


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shaenne •
February 17th, 2019 7:01:45am
1,386 Posts

Thanks guys. I got her home a week ago Friday and i'm very happy. She is amazing. It's nice to have a car that has some grunt LOL. I've already had people look at me strange because it's a V8 and typically not a "lady's car" lol. Had a group of guys stare at me and one told me he's surprised my man let me drive his car and they were all shocked when I told them it was mine lol.
Upshifting sounds a little better in Danny's manual V8 (same make, model and year) but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make for the sake of laziness LOL.

I'll be moving soon. Not looking forward to it. So sick of moving :'( but hopefully this will be the last time for a long time LOL


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