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What Is Your Myers-Briggs Type?

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
January 16th, 2019 4:58:43pm
4,333 Posts

I would have bet money that we had done a thread like this before but I can't find it, SO what's your Myers-Briggs type and do you think it fits?

I can't remember what I got the first time I took it so I re-took it and got ESTP which I didn't necessarily agree with, so I re-took it a couple weeks later and got ISTP which is much more accurate (but then I realized they're only one letter off, which honestly makes sense because I can go back and fourth between extroversion and introversion).

So I think I'm an ISTP with ESTP tendancies.


Don't know your type? You can take the test here:


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DOUNIA | جَنَّة
January 16th, 2019 6:53:07pm
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tana ;; gone
January 16th, 2019 7:05:23pm
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I got ISTP-A which is pretty much accurate!

I had taken the test years ago and gotten INFP, but I've changed a bit haha.



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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 16th, 2019 8:21:32pm
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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 16th, 2019 10:13:32pm
1,854 Posts

ENTP-T (Debater, Turbulent)


Pretty accurate. I'm thick-skulled, bull-headed, argumentative, hot-tempered, my-way-or-the-highway-and-let-me-show-you-all-the-reasons-why jabber jaw... aaaaand have crippling anxiety and a monster of a personality disorder.

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
January 16th, 2019 11:53:21pm
2,902 Posts


It's actually kind of spot on.



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 17th, 2019 1:24:36am
29,792 Posts

I am an INFJ which is so me, I CAN'T EVEN!!! There is nothing about this personality trait that I don't find about myself. :P

This is also the rarest personality type out of all 16. ^^



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
January 17th, 2019 3:16:24am
3,849 Posts

Every time I take this test, EVEN NOW, I always receive the same result; INTJ-T (which apparently is pretty rare for women). If you combine this and my Taurus zodiac, you very literally have me down to a T. It's ridiculous. The following things definitely fit me. xD

      • Blindly following precedents and rules without understanding them is distasteful to Architects, and they disdain even more authority figures who blindly uphold those laws and rules without understanding their intent. 
      • Rules, limitations and traditions are anathema to the Architect personality type – everything should be open to questioning and reevaluation, and if they see a way, Architects will often act unilaterally to enact their technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and almost always unorthodox methods and ideas.
      • Architects will strive to remain rational no matter how attractive the end goal may be, and every idea, whether generated internally or soaked in from the outside world, must pass the ruthless and ever-present “Is this going to work?” filter. This mechanism is applied at all times, to all things and all people, and this is often where Architect personalities run into trouble.
      • Architects are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealists and the bitterest of cynics, a seemingly impossible conflict. But this is because Architect personalities tend to believe that with effort, intelligence and consideration, nothing is impossible, while at the same time they believe that people are too lazy, short-sighted or self-serving to actually achieve those fantastic results.
      • Architects are defined by their confidence, logic, and exceptional decision-making, but all of this hides a turbulent underbelly – their emotions. The very notion of emotional expression is synonymous with irrationality and weakness to many Architects, a display of poor self-governance and fleeting opinion that can hardly stand up to the enduring light of factual truth.
      • In this way, emotions are not Architects’ way of addressing a decision, but rather an indication that a decision needs to be addressed. Architect personalities’ Thinking (T) trait acts as a protective big brother to their Feeling (F) trait – seeing that something has upset the less able sibling, it steps in to take action, letting logic do the talking and resolving the condition rather than complaining about its consequences.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
January 17th, 2019 3:32:09am
2,902 Posts

 My husband got what pants and kins got. And it fits him way too well.  



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aveera 🥑 coding is open
January 17th, 2019 4:04:50am
267 Posts

I actually had to take this test today in my management class!!

I'm an INTJ


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PHISM || Hiatus ||
January 17th, 2019 4:44:11am
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Logistician Personality (ISTJ, -A/-T)

 I do think it fits, I feel I am a little bit more emotionally attached but with the recent breakup (well not that recent) I've found that I have really picked up all the loose ends myself and often find running the household alone. And not necessarily thinking or feeling like its a bad thing. I like things done a certain way, and the only one to do them that was is if I do them. It's also very reflective at work, I'm often thought of as the lead while at work and the one with the answers.

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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
January 17th, 2019 5:43:51am
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accurate as heck



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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
January 17th, 2019 1:38:54pm
1,797 Posts


ENTP-T, which is incredibly accurate for me.

I've taken this test several times and I aaaaaalways end up with the same result.



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 17th, 2019 1:44:24pm
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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
January 17th, 2019 2:24:13pm
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"The underlying thought running through the ENTJ mind might be something like "I don’t care if you call me an insensitive b*****d, as long as I remain an efficient b*****d"."


When I took the test back in high school, I was an INFP - almost the exact opposite, but ENTJ is almost hilariously accurate to me today.


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
January 18th, 2019 2:54:02am
3,615 Posts

 I've taken this before though I have no idea what I got. This time I got “THE DEFENDER” (ISFJ-T) - profile

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