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What are your hobbies?

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aveera 🥑 coding is open
January 1st, 2019 8:47:05pm
267 Posts

Hey guys,


So, anyone who knows me knows that I don't do well when I am out of school and not working (like christmas break)! I get super restless and anxious when I don't have a schedule or a project to work on. This being said, I typically start some insane project while I am on Christmas break and I drive Joe (my fiance) insane with it. This break, I took up knitting.


Originally, I was going to post asking if anyone else liked knitting or crochet or something similar but then I thought it would be fun to just see what other people's hobbies are. I aso figured it might be a good way to connect with a player you've not really connected with if you share the same hobby... or gets tips & tricks from each other, etc.


So, that being said... post your hobbies! Brag about them, make other people wish they had the same hobby, post pictures, etc!


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aveera 🥑 coding is open
January 1st, 2019 8:58:51pm
267 Posts

I figured I would get us started...

My hobbies include:

Knitting - This is my newest hobby. I'm driving Joe insane because I spent 2 days watching knitting tutorials on Youtube and then went out and spent $100 at Joann's on knitting supplies. I'm starting out by knitting a Ravenclaw scarf in the round (knitting term). If anyone else knits, I would love to hear from you and probably ask you a ton of questions!!


Street Photography - I live in Galveston, Texas which is an island below Houston, so it is very tourist-y. I do a lot of street photography along the beach and in the old historic district. This is super fun during the big festivals they do here. I've previously done senior pictures, family photos, engagement photos, etc for money on the side but when I moved to Galveston I lost all my usual clients and networking and I've been too busy with school to start back up.


Playing video games - My fiance is a huge gamer and before we met I hadn't even touched video games beyond Mario Kart and Plant v. Zombies. He eventually got me to sart playing with him on Xbox and then bought me a gaming PC for my birthday a couple of years ago. We both regularly play video games now but he is really the true gamer. He streams on twitch and stuff like that but I do play very regularly. I usually play Ark: Survival Evolved, 7 Days to Die, Destiny, or Jurassic World.


Other than that, I would say reading, studying, and working out are my other hobbies.



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Tifi - Cocker
January 1st, 2019 9:44:03pm
996 Posts

Kewl thread.


Photography - I love horse and dog photography and used to do the photos for the local competition venue.  I enjoy photographing the dogs on the beach (not done horses on the beach yet as I'm usually on my horse).  


Horse Riding - fairly obvious on here but I have ridden for 20 years and have owned my main riding partner for 12 years.  I enjoy hacking through the woods and jumping natural logs.  


I don't have time for other hobbies as HP is taking over my life xD


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c.anti||skylines and turnstiles
January 1st, 2019 9:44:42pm
53 Posts

I actually took up knitting a few years ago and found it to be super cathartic. Especially since I live in the North east and the winters are brutal, it’s nice being able to make your own sweaters/scarves/gloves :)


So I guess knitting would be one of my hobbies as well!! 


Some other stuff I enjoy doing is; 


making candles and body scrubs I’m like kinda obsessed with using essential oils in like every aspect of my life so once I learned how to make my own candles and scrubs I was super excited. 


drawing and painting I went to art school for a little bit, and have been working with traditional mediums my whole life, I’m pretty sure my favorite things to draw are people and landscapes. 


gaming selectively  lol, I tend to replay all the old final fantasy games and have like 999 hours in all of my Pokémon games lol


hiking with my dog especially in the fall, the scenery here is amazing in the fall so there’s like no better way to clear your head than wandering around the woods with the pup. 


watching anime don’t even get me started on this topic I could honestly go on forever and I don’t actually know if it would be considered a hobby but it’s def something that takes up a lot of my time lol.

never knows best


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tana ;; gone
January 2nd, 2019 6:36:37am
13,574 Posts

I knit and crochet, but I am by no means an expert and I still look up tutorials. The most recent one is how to make my k2, p2 look neater in the round (I knit a lot of socks lately) and I found one. I have a Pinterest board FULL of knitting and crochet stuff.

My other hobbies include going to the gym, playing Pokemon Go, playing HP, reading, and gaming (whether it's PS4, PC, or board games - I can go through phases where I barely play anything and then suddenly I miss it, and all I'm doing is playing video games).




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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 2nd, 2019 10:01:54pm
2,469 Posts

i crochet and generally just make blankets

I also raise butterflies, well just provide food and they kinda find me :)

(hangrybutterfly on ig)
also hello super close neighbor, im in corpus and have family in league city and north east houston so we go up every now and then :)

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Eyre ❅ be kind
January 2nd, 2019 10:20:34pm
10,135 Posts

I knit and crochet; though since I learned how to crochet 2 years ago that has been my main yarn medium. I'm finding knitting in the round super confusing so any great tutorials you come across would be much appreciated. I'm crocheting another shawl right now. My knitting project is a lace stole and has been sitting in my yarn basket for a bit now. Are you an English knitter or Continental? (In other words, do you throw your working yarn around your working needle or pick up yarn for your working needle. I learned the Continental way but I think that is what makes me such a slow knitter as it takes a bit to throw the yarn. I want to learn to be faster at knitting so I can be like those old ladies in old movies, just clicking away by the fire.)

I LOVE to read, pretty much anything. I'm trying to read a lot of old classics (reading a Bronte novel right now), but I should branch out into other genres. And I want to.

I'm also really interested in essential oils and would love to make my own soaps and candles one day. I'm recently into DIY beauty stuff and love picking out homemade soaps at Whole Foods or my favorite used-to-be-local vendor online.

I would love to learn another instrument. I play the piano, not very well, and took lessons once upon a time. I'd love to learn the cello, pick up the pipe organ again, or possibly a wind instrument (clarinet maybe?). 

And if money weren't an issue, I'd like to take up tap dancing and ballet again.  



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Overture - Back; catching up
January 3rd, 2019 12:20:25am
402 Posts

I am the exact same as you! I don’t do well with breaks. My biggest issue is that I am getting my masters and working full time as a special ed teacher so I either have all the time in the world during breaks and summer, or literally so little time I am lucky if I get to have lunch. It’s rrally hard haha.

but anyway! When I do have time I do photography (I used to take stock photos for deviantart), graphics like on HP, writing little things, traveling, and of course my horses keep me busy.

ill be done with grad school in May and done with work school in June so I will need to find something to do after that for sure!



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 4th, 2019 2:21:06am
29,792 Posts

I love to cook, travel, read, color, watch tv, play video games, play with my kitties and pupper, hike, swim, jetski, kayak/canoe, snowmobile, do jigsaw puzzles, sudoku....I'll add to this list as I think of things. I'd love to be able to knit/crochet but I've yet to master even beginning techniques lol



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