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Reimagining the Player Info Boxes

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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 22nd, 2018 5:37:26am
3,849 Posts

I’m not sure about other coders on HP, but every time I code a layout I dread having to customize and ultimately despise how the box2 class (AKA player information boxes) displays on my layout. They are impossible to align properly with the other page elements. Depending on the perspective of the person viewing the layout (the logged in player, a visitor from another account, etc), there is a good if not guaranteed chance that there are lines hidden from or added to the right side box which leaves it shorter or longer than the left. Maybe I’m too concerned with balance, but this always leaves me scowling and never 100% satisfied with my creation.

So on that note, introducing player info boxes version 2.0!

• If coded within HP using the existing table format with box2 class, this shouldn’t require any fixes for current layouts (CODERS REJOICE!).

• One element instead of two separate elements.

• The whole section is resizable through personal coding with auto-adjustments in place to retain a balanced appearance no matter how thin or wide you make it (however if the section is made too small, text will be forced onto multiple lines instead of one). This allows you to accurately adjust it  to the same width as your dividers for a sleek look all the way down your page.

• If you hide your money from being displayed via your profile settings, only you (the logged in player) will be able to see the money and horse bucks at the bottom of the list which allows it to remain equal on both sides to you and your visitors. If you don’t hide your money, there will be a blank section where the horse bucks are typically displayed for any visitors to your page. Although this will leave it off-center, it will still retain the same height overall to keep your layout balanced!

• In order to keep it equal on both sides, I added a row displaying your overall number of achievements. This could either remain as is or it could be changed to anything else. Another idea for this field is your riding buddies as “RIDING BUDDIES: 8 [VIEW]” and move the view pending buddies link to the riding buddies page itself.

• It’s longer than the current set up.

• NOT ENTIRELY A CON BUT: If a decision cannot be made on whether or not to include the achievements row, it will need to be recoded to show the player points centered at the top, but this will still work to improve the overall cleanliness of layouts.

Side Notes:
• I really believe that there is no need for your remaining feed amount to be displayed on your profile when this information is easily accessible within your stable/kennel pages where the feeding actually occurs so I have removed it.

• This is only a suggested idea! While I certainly don't expect my redesign to be utilized, I do think a redesign should happen in general if other users like the idea!





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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 22nd, 2018 12:11:08pm
27,674 Posts

I love that. So, so much.

The only thing I would change (as long as changes are being made), is I would love the link for tickets to say somthing else, because it took me awhile when I first joined to figure out how to accept tickets - based on the link, I thought that was just for requesting. (oviously request/accept gets really long... manage, maybe? idk)



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 22nd, 2018 12:18:49pm
3,849 Posts

I can understand that! I don't understand why the [VIEW] text couldn't be used for that as well. I think that would be a nice change!



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
December 22nd, 2018 1:32:03pm
27,674 Posts

View is nice, I like that!



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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
December 22nd, 2018 2:18:22pm
2,469 Posts

i like it :)

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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A U D A C I A ❄
December 22nd, 2018 3:16:00pm
66 Posts

I am 100% down for this.


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aveera 🥑 coding is open
December 22nd, 2018 5:52:32pm
267 Posts

I'm totally in for this!! I also dread the way box2 messes with my layouts!


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
December 22nd, 2018 7:16:50pm
927 Posts

I'm not a coder, but this sounds interesting for the boxes! Just a few question though:

1.) With the achievements listed, would this replace the actual achievements tab entirely? Or would it just be an add-on? Because if it's an add-on, I don't think we need both there, maybe just one or the other to keep simplicity. I prefer the tabs we have down there currently, personally.

2.) Going on question 1: Could that instead be replaced with how many friends you have? I think that'd be cool to add and could take out the bottom portions of our current layouts entirely (minus the tabs we have for animals, shows, achievements, and events). So for example, you have Achievements: 18. Could we instead do this as Stable Buddies: 18 [VIEW] or something of the like?

3.) For alignment sake on the bank, could we not just remove that entirely? We technically have the tab of Bank on our home button that we could access to (where we edit profiles and trade HPP) so that could possibly make that cleaner and easier? Would it also be possible to replace the bank there with friends management (accepting/denying requests)? I think it'd be cool to have a little Hub in Box 2 so you can access everything pretty much right off the bat and universal to all codes. For me, its current placement can be hard to see on some layouts, so I'd love this upgrade!

My ideas are probably stupid but I just think it'd make the layout just overall cleaner, less crowded, and easier to access at a click. Just my thoughts. I also totally agree on the feed remaining/feed left being invisible and keeping the other sort of nessecities in view.

ZzCnWpE.gif le3kqfv.gif

•• Crafting Premium Drafts Since 2019 ••


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 23rd, 2018 1:32:53am
3,849 Posts


1) No, I didn't intend that information to replace the achievements section located under your dividers. I originally thought it would be a neat way to view your total number of achievements at a glance.

2) That was actually an idea I was toying with under the pros in my post! After further assessment, I think moving the riding buddies there would be more beneficial and would help clean up any excess clutter. (:

3) Personally I like the bank link being there, but that is probably just because I'm so used to accessing it through my profile page. xD I'm iffy on the hub idea, but maybe I'll toy around with it and see if anything works.


I decided to update it to include the riding buddies instead of the achievements. Here is a view with the View/Pending links and one with only the View Link if we are able to move the Pending link to the riding buddy page itself!



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December 23rd, 2018 3:26:07am
961 Posts

Yes. Please.


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December 23rd, 2018 4:31:05am
17 Posts

it looks so clean O.O *touches it*



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
December 23rd, 2018 8:51:05pm
2,902 Posts

I actually really like this. O.o



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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
December 23rd, 2018 9:07:28pm
4,387 Posts

i really like how this looks!
just what about account status?
what about a row where it has the account status and achievements? just so it's still even lol



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shee ‡ the lavish lhasas
December 24th, 2018 8:24:21pm
173 Posts

This looks so good!


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 24th, 2018 8:44:05pm
3,849 Posts

@Ephe - When you say account status, do you mean basic vs upgraded? Personally, that feels a bit unneeded only because the tickets will not be visible if the account is not upgraded. D:


@All - I'm glad this is well received! 



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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
December 24th, 2018 8:50:07pm
1,200 Posts

Yes yes yes yes Full 100% on this one!

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rai » Thoroughbred's
December 29th, 2018 10:00:04pm
82 Posts

ooo I like this idea!


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mango • spare 0
December 31st, 2018 1:55:55am
216 Posts

I am all for this, great idea !


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