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Limit Presidents

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January 2nd, 2013 3:20:40pm
36 Posts
I personally think there should be a limit of how many clubs you can be a president of at one time. Like maybe one person can only be president of 2 or 3 at one time....

Embrace the unexpected - Enjoy the journey!


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Esquisse | Main |
January 2nd, 2013 3:21:46pm
42 Posts
Good idea :p


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January 2nd, 2013 3:52:19pm
7 Posts
i agree with that!


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 2nd, 2013 7:26:42pm
1,308 Posts
I agree with Pemberley! A lot of the clubs were won with less than 50 votes. If anyone cared, that would have been really easy to beat. There's just not enough interest in the clubs.


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January 2nd, 2013 10:43:03pm
36 Posts
Yeah. I can see what your both talking about. I guess it does make sense.

Embrace the unexpected - Enjoy the journey!


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• BlackFire •
January 3rd, 2013 3:54:07am
307 Posts
I agree with Pemberley and adranth.


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L i d o | Thoroughbreds > Coming Back??
January 3rd, 2013 8:31:21pm
6 Posts
I like the idea, some leople dont run because they dont have money to buy votes. I think there should be a restriction where you cant be president a few months in a row.


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• BlackFire •
January 4th, 2013 4:51:10am
307 Posts
My view is that people who spend the money to win the clubs are more likely to actually make their term interesting with great prizes and competitions. So I think it is wrong to only let people be president a few months in a row.


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 4th, 2013 5:30:04pm
1,308 Posts
If you don't have the money to buy votes, you're not going to have the money to run contests, either. Money is kind of a part of being a club president, in my opinion.


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rascal ☺ unscheduled time off HP
January 6th, 2013 12:27:19pm
3 Posts
I don't agree with this AT ALL. There's barely ANY interest in clubs.. And to take away the people that are willing to run, be president and give away prizes, not to mention devote time to a club or multiple clubs... I'm going to hold back and say this is silly. If clubs were overflowing and people were fighting it out up to 500-1000 votes just to win like HL then I'd agree. But no sorry. If you would like to be president I've discovered that if you put your ballot in ASAP THE FIRST DAY, someone won't run against you unless they really want that club. I've put my ballot in 5 clubs alone this term myself, and 5 more with partners. And nobody has run against me. Im also willing to put money, layouts, time etc into each club.So no. I do not agree :3


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† M.arixel †
January 9th, 2013 12:25:02am
440 Posts
Maybe make a limit of two or three :P


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Fantasy Texas Heelers - Mascot Entry
January 9th, 2013 10:37:59pm
28 Posts
I agree and i don't. A couple of times i ran for club president and several times i got beat because i jsut din't want to spend x amount of dollars on buying votes. And the player that beat already president of several clubs. Because of that i just stop wanting to be president wasn't worth it. Pyaing alot of money for votes and then getting beat by a player who has money just to spend, wasn't worth my time,


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January 12th, 2013 3:39:20pm
116 Posts
I'm with Rascal on this one~

Nautical Nonsense


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January 12th, 2013 7:22:39pm
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My only response is if you guys are upset about the same person running the majority of the clubs, why don't you run too? Bulk votes are not that expensive...I feel like the general consensus on HP is to complain about how inactive clubs are or that one person runs all the clubs.. but no one does anything to change that, like participating in contests or running for president. I used to be president in various clubs, but I just got sick of putting 100's of millions of dollars in prizes out and getting maybe 1 entry. The clubs may as well just run on an automatic system that makes the shows each week and accepts the registry.


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shaenne •
January 12th, 2013 11:42:30pm
1,386 Posts
^ I agree. If you don't want the same person to be president term after term, do something about it. Otherwise, who's it hurting? Is having the same president over and over who puts up a layout and a registry and even contests, really so much worse than not having a president at all, or having a president that does absolutely nothing with the club all month? At least they're trying.Honestly, I think they're doing really well to keep their clubs as active as they can. They know how quiet clubs can be yet they still put time and effort into doing something with them and I think that should be applauded, not limited.


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Famous Shamus }} from blood and ash, we will rise
February 11th, 2013 8:07:20pm
276 Posts
Yeah, I've put my name in A LOT of clubs simply because no one was running. I give it a layout and some simple contests and whatnot (honestly, I'd put better contests up if the clubs had any sort of funding). Plus I RARELY get any interest in contests that are anything other than "name that stallion" or "treasure hunt" which is why I stopped. I'd do contest with prizes of $20-50mil and only get one entry. I think the problem is that we need to find a way to get people more active in the clubs; both incentive for presidents to do better contests (myself included, I admit) and for people to participate...Maybe giving each club money at the start of the end of term that they can use for contests



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• BlackFire •
February 15th, 2013 12:07:19pm
307 Posts
Really? In all honesty this just boils down to sore losers. I don't mean to be mean when I say this but people with more money to give to a club have more chance of getting participation which is what the clubs need right now. I personally won't particpate in a club contest that doesn't offer the right amount of money for the effort put in.Running against other players in clubs makes you feel like you earned your presidency and if you lose it makes you want to try harder next time :)If it was too easy then what would be the fun in that?


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