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How do you choose a breed?

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tana ;; gone
October 16th, 2018 4:08:20pm
13,574 Posts

I'm curious about how people decide to breed this or that type of horse or dog on here. Obviously your main is your favorite, I'm guessing? And then what about extra breeds? Is it just your faves or will you factor in other aspects, like popularity? Are you likely to buy a backup from other people's lines to start a new breed?



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tana ;; gone
October 19th, 2018 5:04:59am
13,574 Posts

So the answers here are what I expected, no surprises xD



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
November 6th, 2018 5:43:23pm
2,970 Posts

German Shepherds because German Shepherds.

I used to have a really long line of Shires on here, but it ended. Some day I may pick it up again via retirement breeding. I did them because I love draught breeds, especially Shires and Clydesdales. On HL, I had a pretty good line of Shires, and when I moved here to HP, I decided to recreate that line.

Other breeds I've dabbled in over the years (I sound like an old man saying that) I did because I liked them.



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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
November 6th, 2018 10:00:37pm
1,200 Posts

Well  my seas are because I have worked with them in the past and these are really my type of animals. I had to throw everything aside that I learned, just to be able to learn to ride these. I've had so many adventures with them, and if I could, I'd do it all over.
I miss that time so much.

Anyway. The other breeds I basically stumbled across, thought they where cool, took in some popular breed, revived some things, then came across some lines that people wanted to sell and took em in, and also just plain boredom and wanting to start something new.
I still have a list that I want to (re)start...
But I have so many accounts already!
In total I have 15 accounts upgraded. If my boyfriend for some reason will cut out of the job, im  pretty sure I have to get rid of a ton of animals... OR  make more graphics. That being said; I have been really absent from digital painting recently because I took my turn at traditional, watercolor and inks...

hm hm

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Eyre ❅ be kind
November 7th, 2018 4:37:02pm
10,135 Posts

I have finally settled on Andalusians because I like the breed and think they are absolutely graceful and elegant looking, and I am intrigued with Andalucia, Spain and the Basque country they originated from. In honor of Horseland's recent closure status, I've decided to bring my Akhal-Tekes and Paints over here as I used to have grandiose lines of the breeds over on HL and was known as a breeder of such. In general, though I like to focus on the more rare breeds so I don't have too much competition over who can train the highest pointed animal. I'm super competitive when it comes to training my pixels and I want to be able to excel at something here on HP--hence the massive number of Murgese horses I'm training. I picked Maned Wolves in 2016 after watching a documentary on them? Or was it a trip to the zoo? I can't remember. Plus they are long-legged like me! lol I used to have a partner for my Fell Pony lines, but have been solo for awhile; then BV was selling her entire Fell Pony line, and I just thought, why not add them into my line? I have yet to receive the right genders, though. I think I'll be starting Weimaraners sometime in the future because I bred them on HL and am going to miss them when the game goes kaput end of this year. So I guess, I've started breeds based on Horseland breeds of the past. And Andys because I like them. 



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