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How Many Jobs Do You Have?

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Envious //
October 8th, 2018 1:08:37am
59 Posts

I know times are rough and today I was talking with some people about work. My cousin works 3 jobs. I work 2 jobs (selling cars, and now selling jewelry)

2 coworkers also DJ on the side.    My friend is a photographer and works at a gas station. 



It crazy that one job cannot pay the bills anymore how many jobs do you all work?


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
October 8th, 2018 1:24:34am
27,686 Posts

I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I work part time online for a friend (mostly research and accounting for his small company), but it's just 12 hours a week. That little bit of money really helps each month!



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Envious //
October 8th, 2018 1:25:59am
59 Posts

I understand. I sell cars (just started in may) and then earlier this week and I started my jewelry business havnt seen any money from the jewelry yet but i am hoping it helps us not have to live paycheck to paycheck


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
October 8th, 2018 1:26:33am
27,686 Posts

Isn't that the dream? Ugh, sad that that's all I want - to not live paycheck to paycheck anymore.



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m.oonless - - main; arabians {Nad watching}
October 8th, 2018 2:31:35am
83 Posts

Stay-at-home-mom of a newborn and 5-year-old with a deployed husband in the Navy. Basically I work 3, dad, and maid. Lol.



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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
October 8th, 2018 4:36:17am
1,856 Posts

I have 1 job, but its at a place thats the 2nd highest paying job in my pays pretty decent, but sometimes you have to work a ton of hours which makes it seem like a second job!



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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
October 8th, 2018 9:24:22am
1,797 Posts

I just have the 1 job. I'm a rural surveyor and I manage five estates equating to approx. 5,000 acres in total, so it keeps me busy! I'm on a graduate salary, so struggling at the moment, but I'll be sitting my final assessment to fully qualify as a Chartered Surveyor in the spring and with that I'll have a huge payrise so I'm definitely working hard for it! Haha.



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
October 8th, 2018 11:13:26am
29,792 Posts

I have one job, working as a registered nurse. I make good money now but it's taken 6 years of school and 5 years of experience to get where I am today. My first job out of school as a nurse paid $20/hr less than what I make now. (But then I also have moved up tax brackets now as well. xD)



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Tifi - Cocker
October 8th, 2018 11:36:55am
996 Posts

I don't have a job just now although am looking for something low skill to see if I can manage it (had to quit 4.5 years ago due to illness).

Have just finished Uni doing Business and Management and plan to do my Masters.

I am really lucky that my partner is paid enough to just pay our bills.


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 8th, 2018 12:05:59pm
2,902 Posts

I am a work-at-home mom in an very 'old fashioned' relationship. Meaning that while I do have a job that brings in a small amount that I do from home (customer service and tech support online), I am also responisble for the kids, all the cooking, all the cleaning, and anything house related basically. Including yard work (I love love love yard work). We also homeschool, our daughter just started pre-k at home and is loving it. :) I am learning from Etiqueta (who has a blog that I love to follow! ) just by following her blog and I go through and pick out a few things online to teach her and do together. This past Friday - Sunday were thrown off due to a family emergency and I am hoping we can recover this week.


In the long haul, I want to be able to save up enough to pay off my studen debt (~$2k) and then afford to finish up my degree in Criminal Justice and then go back into school to obtain my paralegal certificate. I am only one class away from graduating in CRJ, so it seems dumb to just drop that completely. I won't leave my kids with a sitter / daycare, but after they start school I want to be able to work away from the house during the day and then maybe work part time from home afterwards.



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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
October 8th, 2018 12:15:36pm
4,681 Posts

I only work one - however it's full time (40 hr/week plus commute time) and pays more than enough to cover my monthly living expenses plus horse ownership costs with some left over for savings and "fun money." I worked my way through college (30-35 hr/week at Starbucks all five years I was taking classes) and busted my butt to keep a handful of scholarships so I have zero student debt hanging over my head, which is a huge blessing. The only debt I have at the moment is the loan I took out for my car (1/3 paid off after 1.5 years) and a maximum of $200-250 on my single credit card depending on the time of month. I have some savings but would love to build that up some more as I pay off my car and get performance bonuses and increases at work.

Office jobs might be tedious and boring but it's hard to say they don't pay the bills!

I would love to eventually go back to school for either an MBA or a law degree (to go into business law), but that's a ways down the pipeline.


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roooooo ♥
October 8th, 2018 1:03:40pm
1,094 Posts

I have two jobs. One as a legal assistant and one as a graphic designer!

The legal assistant job is 40 hours a week, plus an hour commute daily.

The graphic design job is anywhere from 5-20 hours per week depending on how many orders/complexity.

I was also in my MEd program (Master's of Education in Counseling), but I couldn't handle all of the workload and two jobs. I made it through a year with only one B (the rest were As), but it nearly killed me! I have one year left on my Master's program, which I may start back on in January, though I haven't decided as yet.


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tana ;; gone
October 8th, 2018 2:10:00pm
13,574 Posts

I technically don't work right now, as I'm studying massotherapy, but I do work at the school's clinic, though it's unpaid. I get anywhere from 0-4 clients per day. I get some unemployment money every month, but my husband makes most of the money in our household right now. We make ends meet just fine, luckily.



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 8th, 2018 5:37:08pm
4,333 Posts

One, unless you count HP and my blog and two separate jobs but I make very little from my blog right now.


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
October 8th, 2018 7:07:44pm
2,469 Posts

mom, maid, wife, pet care taker, gardener, book keeper, keeper of trucking company
all unpaid -.-

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Sassafras Tango
October 9th, 2018 12:35:47am
1,233 Posts

I have one and a half jobs lol. I own a janitorial company, which is my full-time, main source of income. I also work very part time (~9 hours/week) mucking and feeding horses in the mornings at a jumping stable.

The janitorial work is more than enough to keep me busy and pay the bills. I only took on the horse job because I can't have my own horse (yet) so I need to live vicariously with other people's horses.



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peach ⚛ mountain curs
October 9th, 2018 3:01:35am
478 Posts

I have 2.5(?) jobs lol. I work M-F from 7:45 AM - 12 PM as an educational assistant for a student at a local high school. From 12:30 PM - 4 PM I have class (but it's fiiiiiinally senior year!), and then work 5 PM - 9:30 PM three nights a week at a Subway. Then I Saturdays, my half job lol, I clean 16 stalls and care for all the horses, along with teaching a few short stirrup lessons. 

But now that it's senior year I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and can see myself in a career rather than working odd jobs to surivive. 


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aveera 🥑 coding is open
October 26th, 2018 10:24:07pm
267 Posts

I'm a full time student and don't work regularly right now. When I was doing my undergrad I worked 25-30hrs a week at Best Buy but when my fiance and I moved to Houston and I started the program I am in right now, it was really obvious, really quickly that I wouldn't be able to keep up with this program and work. Luckily, Joe makes enough to support us. I'm also in the middle of planning my wedding. I had no idea how much time is required to plan one!

I do photography as a hobby and sometimes make a little bit of money doing family and senior photos but my sessions are rare and irregular, especially since I lost my client base when I moved to Houston.


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R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔
October 26th, 2018 10:48:56pm
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ChasingTheSun → Lost Arrow Farms
October 27th, 2018 12:16:59am
28 Posts

I’m in school right now so I don’t have a “real” job right now. But when I have time, I take on art commissions! I also take side jobs from time to time, when someone needs help. Dog walking, pet sitting, etc.


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chime » heartbroken
October 27th, 2018 3:17:19am
2,594 Posts

I work one job. I am an auto insurance adjuster for a major automobile insurance company and I work from home. In my town I make a decent amount and my husband works one full time job as well. 


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