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Macbook Pro or Macbook Air?

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August 26th, 2013 11:11:01am
2 Posts
I am trying to decide on a laptop for college and I want to hear your suggestions on which would be a better laptop for me. I haven't had a mac before, so I am really excited!


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August 26th, 2013 2:12:41pm
198 Posts
I think a MBP vs an Air is up to personal preference. I'm on my second MBP after loving the first to death - it got me through college and even traveled with me abroad. :) I would never buy an Air because I know that I (or my dog, or my boyfriend) would break it.. they're just sooo thin and light. @_@ But a lot of people like that about them, so! Also, since it's for college, you have to take into consideration the kind of things that can happen at college.. Dropping laptops, spilling things on laptops, etc.I would recommend going to Best Buy or an Apple store to play around with them~


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Denim .. going home!
August 26th, 2013 2:16:15pm
155 Posts
I have a Macbook and I was considering a new one between the Air and the Pro and I think the Pro has much better specs to be honest :) If I were to buy a new one hands down it would be the pro! Ive just had a new hard drive in my macbook and its awesome, its 4 years old now still going strong, my new hard drive is massive compared to the old one too!


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Absinthe .:.Pomeranians.:.
August 26th, 2013 2:17:52pm
318 Posts
I'm with Misa on this one. I have a MacBookPro that I've had for 6 years. Love it to death. I got mine to go to music school with since it has GarageBand on it and I used that to record my private lessons. But I've always like macs better (my middle and high school had them in our computer labs so I fell in love with them that way).


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roooooo ♥
August 26th, 2013 3:15:42pm
1,094 Posts
That's the exact reason I bought a mac, veri! garage band haha (Or as my music professor calls it "garbage band" LOL) I agree, I'd go with the pro! I bought the one I have refurbished and it's amazing! It's a 2009 model but I've upgraded the ram in it to 8gb and it never gets hung up on anything :)


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
August 27th, 2013 12:29:10am
4,333 Posts
I have a macbook pro, which I love but if you're only going to be using it for school the air would be everything you need except cheaper and lighter to carry around. Macbook pros are really heavy, especially if you have to lug them all over campus.


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