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DNA Testing

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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
June 11th, 2018 2:40:56am
2,687 Posts

So many of you have done or at least seen people do those ancestory DNA or 23&me kits. Well I find it cool to see peoples results!



I am born and raised in hawaii.

Moms from california.

Dads from hawaii.


Maternal grandma is from Korea

Maternal grandpa is adopted so NO IDEA where his family is from


Paternal grandma is from Okalahoma

Paternal grandpa is from Hawaii


Here are my lovely results!

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I think i have more questions now than from before i got these! XD


What are some of your results?! Are some of you surprised?! I know I am lmao!


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 11th, 2018 4:10:51pm
4,333 Posts

This is awesome! I really want to do this, especially because I don't know a lot about certain sides of my family due to adoptions and/or lost contact. Plus I want to do the health one to confirm the Celiac gene.


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Kace 4 » Retirement
June 11th, 2018 4:27:58pm
3 Posts

I had mine done recently as well! My father is African American and my mother is white white white, red hair, blue eyes white.


I recently asked my father where we originated and his unhelpful response was "Ohio" XD and so I did the Ancestry kit.



Needless to say, I am quite the mutt and suprisingly less "African" than I thought.


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peach ⚛ mountain curs
June 11th, 2018 5:07:57pm
478 Posts

How much do these cost? I would be interested!


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 11th, 2018 5:12:55pm
6,522 Posts

Ancestry has sales pretty much every holiday. They have one on right now for Father's Day!


^^that's my updated breakdown. 



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Kace 1 » Berger Picard
June 11th, 2018 5:22:08pm
70 Posts

Mine was a gift from my father since he was completely useless when I tried to get information out of. It's rather inexpensive and Blitz is correct, they run a sale just about every month. 



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
June 11th, 2018 5:28:05pm
2,902 Posts

Sam - I just did mine with 23andme and I have that Gene!




Kace - That is so interesting!




I did mine for numerous reasons, but the main one was my kids. My mom swore my dad was a guy we will call Dad-A and the rest of my family (and this guys family) were insistant I was his (mind you - he still wanted nothing to do with me so I respected his wishes) and we will call him Dad-B. [I wish my Dad was the man I called / still call my Dad, but you can't change the past I guess]. 




So I did the Ancestry DNA kit so I could at least get answers about what I may pass down to them if I didn't get answers about who my Dad was/is. At the moment I am still digging. No immediate matched in DNA relatives - highest match is 1.35% and she is from my Mom's maiden name side. There is one person with no ties to my mom's side that I have messaged and she responded! She was a match of around 1.21% and has no matches with my mom's side and the surnames linked to her are names I have never heard.






















At first I was very disappointed in the top thing, but it runs in my family and I've watched a few family members go down hill. Instead of panicking about it I am just going to open up a savings account and squirrel money away for my kiddos in the chance this does become a reality (this just means I have genes that put me at an increased risk - not that I am going to get it. which I already knew but was hoping it wouldn't show).







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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 11th, 2018 5:37:51pm
6,522 Posts

My grandma was actually super interested in my results and wanted to do an Ancestry DNA test herself. I hooked her up with it (she's in her 80s...) and once she got her results back, I got a message from a connection her and I both have, looking to reconnect with my grandma. Turns out this woman's mother and my grandma's mother were sisters, and my grandma had met this woman waaaaay back (like before my grandpa was around). They lost touch around 1990 and now they're email buddies!


(The woman lives in Washington state, and my grandma's up here in Toronto). My great grandmother and this woman's mother were both born in England and moved to North America, but at different times and to different countries.


Super cool!



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Hera --Basset Hounds--
June 11th, 2018 6:01:38pm
81 Posts

I can not figure out how to get the images of my results to paste into here. But I'm mostly European, a little Sandinavian, a little Russian, a little Native American. I built my family tree before I tested with Ancestry, so there were no surprises, except finding out that both my maternal grandparents (one was full Hingarian, one was half Hungarian) had Jewish ancestry, within just the last few generations. Both my parents and my maternal grandmother also tested, so we know what side its from. 


I highly recomend building your family tree, either learning how to do it yourself, or pay a professional. Most people, (myself included) charge $10.00 an hour. I reccomend paying for 5 hours of research, that should get you a bunch of information, census records, brith, marriage, death, records, sometimes obituaries, photos, occupation information, war enlistments (which often include a physical description of your ancestor), probate records going back several generations. I have uncovered some fantastic stories, in my own tree and for clients. If $50.00 is ti pricy, I reccomend selecting one ancestor, a grandparent or great grand parent you want to know more about, and paying $20.00 or $30.00 to gather records for and trace that one line back. 


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 11th, 2018 6:13:37pm
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I did try to do my family tree, but I hit massive dead ends. Someday when I have more time I might try again, but there's just no information available about my mom OR dad's father's sides, and it stops around 1890 for my mom's mom's side.


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 11th, 2018 6:24:25pm
6,522 Posts

Sam i told you I'd help! Especially this summer...



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Hera --Basset Hounds--
June 11th, 2018 7:13:26pm
81 Posts

Yeah, there is no 1890 Census. So you have to search really deep to get past that road block, probate records, tax records, marriages, etc. A lot isn't indexed yet so you need to search through the images of the books. And it also depends on the state they lived in, as each sate kept different records, some none at all, and some counties in those states lost their records. It can get tricky. I have one line that ends in 1890, Julia Ann Smith. I have her on the 1900 census, and I think I have her marriage record. And at one point her brother was living with her and her husband, and I know his name was James and he was about 2 years younger then her, and I know the state, and possible counties they lived in. But I can not find her or James anywhere prior to 1900, because the court house for that county burned down THREE times prior to 1890, so all vital records were lost. 


Fourtunately, she is my only line like that. Most of mine dead end around the 1790s, though some go back further. My furtherst line goes to 500 A.D. I had a wealthy aristocrat migrate to America in the mid 1600s, and his family was descended from some super big, important families in Europe, who descend from multiple Royal lines.  


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Eyre ❅ be kind
June 11th, 2018 8:21:38pm
10,135 Posts

Family geneologies are super interesting. My grandma had started to compile history from her parents and grandparents before she died. I searched around on Ancestry, amateurly, for a bit and would like to go back one day to digging around. My maternal grandmother and aunt have both done the DNA testing, but I'm not sure their results, as my maternal grandfather was adopted.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
June 11th, 2018 8:51:48pm
2,902 Posts

I would love help doing that too, but mainly because... I just don't know anything. XD Is myfamilytree free?



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Hera --Basset Hounds--
June 11th, 2018 9:47:56pm
81 Posts is free. Ancestry you have to pay for, unless you belong to the LDS (Mormon) church, then Ancestry and Myheritage are free. I do not like Familytree. It is a great place to get started, but because it's desigened so that anyone can enter or delete or change any information on any deceased person, there are a TON of mistakes and worng information/wrong ancestors and wrong family units. However, they have lots of records to seach through. 


I have a familyseach account and an Ancestry, my main trees I do all on Ancestry, and every name on those trees I know I have personally researched and attached sources for. Familysearch I use as my base, and it does have its uses. Anyone who wants me to look up ancestors/specific records on Ancestry just message me. I have a free account, and don't mind looking up records that aren't available on familysearch. 


Is anyone interested in me typing out some basic instructions/tips to get started? Like how to search, how to know if the person you found is the right one, stuff like that?


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 11th, 2018 10:12:09pm
6,522 Posts

Irish records are hard...they destroyed the last 1800s census (1890 maybe?). And the records before that are kinda spotty.


I've had luck though using though.


And if I get stuck on occasion posting on Reddit's Genealogy has also been useful.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
June 11th, 2018 10:16:04pm
2,902 Posts

I am going to look into everything mentioned above. I feel like I am about to open pandora's box. I was always forbidden to look into that side of my family once I found out about it.



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Hera --Basset Hounds--
June 11th, 2018 10:59:30pm
81 Posts

I agree with the Irish lines. Some countries you can only go back just so far. And don't get me started on Irish names. Haha. Everyone was named Daniel, Thomas, Joseph, Mary, Honora, all of their kids were named that, their siblings, their neices and nephews, it's so hard to sort everyone out! I've gotten lucky on a couple of lines, because of Obituaries and American Census records I knew when and what county/parish a couple ancestors were born into, and I found their birth records. 


Hungarian and Austrian lines are hard to, for much the same reasons. But remember to check church records! Especially if your ancestors were Catholic, the church often kept duplicates, some times even triplicates, of their records, and many Irish parishes still have their record books on site, even though they aren't indexed yet. My grandma went to Ireland to do genealogy, visiting parishes and cemetaries. And someday those records might be available online. 



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 11th, 2018 11:10:03pm
6,522 Posts

That site I linked does have some church records. My ancestors are protestant though which makes them weird lmao. I even have an ancestor named Jemima Smith and you'd think with a semi-unique name like that it'd be easy to find...not so much.



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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
June 12th, 2018 2:54:22am
2,126 Posts

This is so awesome! I'd love to eventually do it myself :D 

Paints since 6-8-14


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
June 12th, 2018 4:09:29am
2,687 Posts

My mom did hers and i actually get my polynesian from her side.. which is still crazy.. Trying to get my dd to do one haha!


I really wanna do the 23&me and get the health testing because I have so much issues I want to see if they are genetic :P


But thats so cool! I love seeing and hearing peoples results xD Like whoa bwahahaha we really are all mutts hehe


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