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Weight loss workouts ?

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catt ` Needs a new layout ๐Ÿ™ƒ Nad watching
June 6th, 2018 5:46:33am
673 Posts

Here lately ive been feeling pretty crap about myself and wanting to get my pre baby body back , My belly and my thighs are my biggest issues , what are some excersize workouts do you guys do ? I wish i could afford a personal trainer lmao .. its that baddd , SO gimme ideasss !!!


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LUMOS. ๐ŸŒ™ spare upgrade
June 6th, 2018 3:33:50pm
915 Posts

i work out at home, and I would love to go to a gym someday but I'm not there mentally yet lol. With my diet I don't really need to work out but I have started to lately to tone up.

I start with basic stuff, low reps. Then the next day add reps to the previous day's workout and add a new exercise. Been really helping me get some strength back and feel more fit. But I am a weakling so that's why I started slowly. I feel like if i add to it each day I'll also get used to working out rather than jump in an try to do too much and not want to continue it.

So far I'm up to 40 crunches, 35 squats, 30 triceps dips, 25 sit up, 20 stair step, 15 push up, 10 jumpking jacks, 5 second plank. then after that part is done I get on the treadmill (RUNNING IS MY ENEMY) But I am trying to do HIIT. So I regular walk for a minute, fast walk for a minute, run for as long as I can really pushing myself (currently also one minute but I started at 30 seconds lol) - then repeat.

I really like the 30 dayย  fitness challenge app, lots of exercises.

Crunches will help your tummy. I do them in bed. It's more comfortable to me lol. For legs/thighs, leg lifts, walking, stair steps. I'm sure I could think of more later but it's almost bedtime for me lol.

Good luck! Working out always makes me feel accomplished and I love getting closer to where I want to be!


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tana ;; gone
June 6th, 2018 3:48:18pm
13,574 Posts

You don't necessarily need a personal trainer, plus they're expensive, but on the other hand, that keeps you from skipping workouts xD The most important thing, whatever workouts you do, is discipline. Motivation comes and goes. Do your exercise, but if you don't clean up your eating and reduce junk food, it'll be for nothing.

I like to mix up what I do, so I go to the gym, but I also go on walks (Pokemon GO ftw) and do yoga at home, thanks to a multitude of free videos. However, I don't recommend that unless you know the basics already. When I walk, I can be gone for 1-2 hours at a time. At the gym, I do max 1.5 hours, which includes strength training, cardio (95% of the time) and stretching at the end. I count walking to the gym as part of my warm up, the rest comes from one warm-up set before I do the real lifting. You don't even need to lift heavy, but you also don't need to fear it, because 1) you're a girl aka less testosterone 2) you're not taking steroids and 3) you're not planning on eating enough to grow muscles. You'll get stronger, but not bulkier. Trust me, I can deadlift more than my own weight and no one knows unless they see me do it xD I break down my gym days as follows: legs, chest & back, arms & abs, shoulders & abs. I usually don't do cardio on leg day, but sometimes on chest & back day, and always on the other 2 days. The types of lifts I do are usually the same, but I sometimes throw in a different move, or I change from doing 5 sets of 5 reps to 3 sets of 15, or even 3 sets of 10. My warm up sets are usually 12-15 reps.

As for yoga, I just pick a video that isn't just meditation and do it xD

Food is common sense. Eat protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Limit cheat meals in frequency and portion. You can message me if you want more details :)



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lunarie โˆด my my, those eyes like fire
June 6th, 2018 3:52:52pm
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Cardio exercises are the best for weight loss. Jumping jacks are great because they target weight-loss overall, not just in the belly. I've been trying myself to get the motivation to start doing some!



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tana ;; gone
June 6th, 2018 3:56:23pm
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I've personally lost weight much faster by doing cardio and weights/strength training, than just cardio. I understand everyone is different, I just prefer a more toned look over just skinny.

Yoga: (Yoga with Adriene); also try

At home workouts: (Popsugar); (BeFit); (Fitness Blender).




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siib ๐Ÿฆˆ [ Gone ]
June 7th, 2018 6:13:41am
2,627 Posts

You also can/should switch things up! So if yo find you're gonig heavy on the weight training then switch it up and go a bit heavier on cardio for a week or so. It helps keep your body guessing but it also helps keep you from falling into a place where you're not making/seeing progress.

Diet is a HUGE part of everything too. I don't mean that you should follow any of the fad diets just be aware of what you're eating. Try to make sure that you're portions are controlled, that you're reaching for fruit over candy (the easiest way to replace sweets), water (even sparkling water) over soda or other sugary drinks. You can work out all you want, but if you're not eating right you wont see the results you're looking for.ย 

Right now with all the Viking stuff I'm not really riding or working out like I should be BUT I've basically completely changed my diet around and just by drinking more water, cutting out sodas, and ensuring that I'm prepping healthy food rather than eating out or eating something quick I've already dropped a few pounds.


OH! And if you do cardio like running, long SLOW miles will burn far more than sprints and just getting out there and getting it over with as fast as you can.

Tana does bring up a good point though, if you're going for fit you'll want to do more weight training but if you're just going for "skinny" cardio is more you're friend. I *try* to do a healthy mix of both but overall if I'm going to do anything it's usually riding which is more muscle building than cardio since your heart rate doesn't get above the point it needs to get for fat burning.


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LUMOS. ๐ŸŒ™ spare upgrade
June 7th, 2018 6:26:29am
915 Posts

I wish one of you lived in my town lol. I'm definitely going for toned over skinny but I do all my workouts at home, no weights. I need a gym buddy so I don't look stupid!! Lol


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siib ๐Ÿฆˆ [ Gone ]
June 7th, 2018 6:32:38am
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I hate going to the gym, even with Viking I always feel dumb. :Pย 

I am lucky enough to have him to go with (at least when he's healthy). No doubt he'll be dragging me with him as soon as he comes home andย can start working out again. I've always promised him that I'd go with him consistently when we moved in together so I'm going to have to end up making good on that promise for sure.


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tana ;; gone
June 7th, 2018 6:43:17am
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No one cares what you're doing at the gym. They're too busy doing their own thing. Either way, it's none of your business. Plus I find that when Tatu works out with his friend, he takes forever between sets because blah blah blah. If you don't wanna be in the gym forever, go alone and get it done. The only time I ask for a spotter is when I'm bench pressing.ย 

@San: you can still get toned at home with bodyweight workouts, it just takes longer imo. What matters is the exercises you do I guess. And if standard crunches hurt, you need a new ab exercise. Try planking :)



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LUMOS. ๐ŸŒ™ spare upgrade
June 7th, 2018 7:35:33am
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They don't hurt-hurt but maybe my form is wrong. I have terrible posture just normally so it's more annoying than anything when I do them on the floor cause of my back. But when I do them in bed it doesn't bother me, idk lol. i just started planks! I can't wait until i can do them for longer.

Like I said in my earlier post, I do a little bit of everything every time I work out. I try to do every other day, but sometimes it's every three days. Should I be spilting them into sections by type (like you said, legs, arms, etc) rather then different types on the same day?

I usually get around 8,000 to 10,000 steps in at least 4 times a week when I work but I really need to get moving on days I'm off work. I do have a treadmill, but get bored walking on it. That's why I try the HIIT I read about with the sprinting, walking, sprinting. I've been thinking about getting back into Pokemon go, but the times I would walk outside is in the middle of the night. Not that I live in a dangerous town, but I feel weird about walking alone at night. I feel like people will think I'm up to no good lol. But I don't think there's any law against walking around that lateandย  I'm a grown woman and I shouldn't care what people think lol


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tana ;; gone
June 7th, 2018 10:06:33am
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Crunches are hard on anyone, even me, and I have excellent posture. I sometimes do a crunch variation, where I have someone or something keeping my feet on the ground, and I focus on a point in the ceiling and I keep my eyes on it. That keeps me from lifting up too high. You also don't need to do a million reps, 2 or 3 sets of max 10 reps is enough. Another ab move I like is the Russian twists and you can start by doing them with your feet on the floor. When you're stronger, bend your knees to 90 degrees.

As for how you break down lifting days, you can do it my way and even change the order, or you can mix legs and arms for example. It's just that it can be tougher on the body overall and affect your performance the next day. Plus I like giving each muscle group enough attention.

Lastly, if you don't care what people think if you walk around at night, then why worry about the gym people? ;)



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siib ๐Ÿฆˆ [ Gone ]
June 7th, 2018 2:26:38pm
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Tana's crunch variation is the one I use. You don't need to come up high off the ground to do good. BUT they only target the upper part of your abs, make sure you're doing something for the lower half as well since that's usually a female "trouble spot."

Also breaking up where you'rel ifting is so important. You don't want to do two muscle groups too close together or it'll suck more. Be nice to yourself, make the post workout stuff suck less. :P


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LUMOS. ๐ŸŒ™ spare upgrade
June 8th, 2018 12:17:56pm
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Yep i need to sit down and categorize my workouts and do different things on different days.


It doesn't help that yesterday morning my work called me and asked me to come in to cover the breakfast shift (I usually work front desk but I could use the hours so I said I'd come in) - and this was at like %:30am so I didn't have a ride. So I walked to work - it's not terrible, about a 30 minute walk - I'm just not used to it.

That on top of my works outs....

I am hurting today. I had a dream that I was a square that kept trying to go through a circle hole and every time I tried to go through I felt a shooting pain in my dream, and then when I woke up the shooting pain was actually coming from my lower legs and I guess that transfered to my dream :O

Walking around today and going up and down stairs is not fun.


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tana ;; gone
June 8th, 2018 12:26:27pm
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Your body just isn't used to walking that much. It could also be the wrong kind of shoes, or a mix of both. In fact, the muscles in the lower leg (as well as the hamstrings and inner thigh muscles) are postural muscles, which means they're technically always working. Calf muscles are usually trouble spots for many people, especially if you stand a lot or just use your legs a lot in general. I would suggest stretching, and as a person who works out, massages will help you recover :)

In regards to shoes, you should definitely check out what kind of arch you have, because the wrong kind of shoe, even exercise shoes, can cause pain in the feet and legs. I personally have pretty flat feet, so I need pronation-correcting shoes, plus I do exercises to strengthen the muscles in question. I also was using kinesiotape to ''train'' the muscles, but my skin wasn't too happy, so taking a break from that. Lastly, make sure to not overtighten the shoes, because your feet need space to move around and absorb shock and movement properly.



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LUMOS. ๐ŸŒ™ spare upgrade
June 8th, 2018 12:38:07pm
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I've been meaning to buy a new pair of shoes for walking/ working out. Right now I just wear my work shoes which is a Shoes for Crews tennis shoe, but they are about two years old.


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siib ๐Ÿฆˆ [ Gone ]
June 8th, 2018 2:52:59pm
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Go to a running shore or something (a lot of them, in my area at least, can actually scan your feet). They'll help get the right insoles for your arch. it's fairly expensive BUTTT it's so helfpul and will help you feel better! I've got a super high arch, and the only thing I have going for me is my feet are really close in measurements (as in the height of both arches are nearly the same etc) so they were able to get me with better fitting insoles. I need to go back and buy a few more sets for my riding boots and so on.


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m.oonless - - main; arabians {Nad watching}
June 8th, 2018 3:57:49pm
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I've been avid on the gym stuff for years as far as being familiarized about working out.


I personally lift and do cardio. Typically I will break up my muscle groups over the course of four days. I will focus lifting on those muscles with a 10 minute cardio warm up (generally running on the treadmil for 1 mile takes me about 13-15 minutes). Then I lift for 30-45 minutes. Lifting tends to burn more calories then cardio even hours after you've finished a workout.


I will say though that what works for some does not work for all. Your biggest thing is to ensure you're getting proper nutrition and eating enough calories. Think whole foods, non-processed foods, and HYDRATE. Don't drink your calories in juices or sodas/coffees either. I started doing cucumber and lemon water because I don't like to just drink water. You can either do the no calorie sweetners if you wanted but I feel like this just enables the juice/soda habit. On days I workout, I make sure I eat an extra 300-500 calories of nutrient dense food to refeed my muscles.

I cannot stress enough though: warm up first before lifting so your muscles are more receptive to working out and don't be afraid to experiment!



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